RW Assists Attorney with Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis Overcome a Termination of Benefits When Treating Physicians Ignored Insurer Requests

Sometimes the biggest problem with a disability claim is the reluctance of treating physicians to become involved in the process. In a disability claim, the deck is already stacked against you. The insurance company has access to an endless parade of consulting doctors willing to say that there is insufficient evidence of your disability. To [...]


MassMutual Vision Success Story

Robinson Warncke Recovers $1.7M in Benefits, Overcoming MassMutual Attempt to Dilute “Own Occupation” Disability Coverage for Owner of Commercial Roofing Company Disability insurance companies routinely find novel ways to make seemingly straightforward cases incredibly complicated and burdensome for the insured.  This is just such a case. Our client took out four premium “own occupation” disability [...]


Disability and Health Insurance Claims Under ERISA

If you missed your deadline to file a claim or appeal your claim denial - you may still be able to take advantage of a temporary extension of those deadlines due to the pending Covid-19 epidemic. On March 13, 2020, the President declared a state of National Emergency due to the Covid-19 outbreak in the [...]


Insurance Companies Misuse of “Mental Disorder” Limitations as to Cognitive Disabilities

In a recent article, Long Term Disability Claims for Cognitive Disorders, we discussed the challenges presented with disability claims based on cognitive disorders. These are medical conditions that interfere with intellectual or cognitive abilities, such as memory, concentration, planning, problem-solving, reasoning, verbal and written communication, and other logical processes. They are oftentimes “invisible” medical conditions, [...]


Does Alzheimer’s Disease Qualify for Long-Term Care Insurance Coverage?

Six-and-a-half million Americans are actively suffering from Alzheimer's disease in 2021. By 2050, it's estimated that this number will reach 12.7 million. Long-term care insurance is necessary when it comes to providing Alzheimer's patients with the resources that they need during this confusing time in their lives. If you have long-term disability insurance and your [...]


Long-Term Disability Claims for Cognitive Disorders

Sometimes referred to as “invisible” medical conditions, cognitive disorders are illnesses or injuries that impair such intellectual or cognitive abilities as memory, concentration, planning and problem solving, reasoning, verbal and written communication, and other logical processes.  Cognitive injuries or disorders can also impact emotional regulation and tolerance for stress.  Many people suffer from neurocognitive disorders [...]


Using a Functional Capacity Evaluation to Support Your ERISA Disability Claim

When you find yourself unable to perform your job duties, it can be a terrifying situation. You may be struggling with medical conditions and an increased need for time off. You may be worried about losing your job. However, most private employers must provide you with time off if you are suffering from a medical [...]


Insurers Push for In-Person Health Exams for Disability Claims

The global pandemic has created a new opportunity for insurance companies to deny people long-term disability benefits, putting patients in the difficult position of deciding whether to risk losing their benefits or chance catching a life-threatening disease. Benefits attorneys say they’re seeing more requests from insurers for in-person medical exams and evaluations during a public [...]


Are the “independent” medical examinations or IMEs really independent?

Most long-term disability plans and insurance policies give the insurer the right to have the claimant “examined” by a physician or other professional of its choosing as a condition to approving benefits.   The “independent” medical examinations or IMEs are usually far from independent.  IMEs have become a very profitable enterprise for companies that arrange the [...]


COVID-19 Complicating Your Long Term Disability Claim

It is true that COVID-19 and the national quarantine have complicated long-term disability claims. But it’s also true that American workers were facing serious economic issues even before COVID-19 shut down the economy. Few had enough savings to survive an economic disaster, loss of work, or injury that prevented work. Fewer still had adequate health [...]
