RW Assists Attorney with Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis Overcome a Termination of Benefits When Treating Physicians Ignored Insurer Requests

Sometimes the biggest problem with a disability claim is the reluctance of treating physicians to become involved in the process.…

3 years ago

MassMutual Vision Success Story

Robinson Warncke Recovers $1.7M in Benefits, Overcoming MassMutual Attempt to Dilute “Own Occupation” Disability Coverage for Owner of Commercial Roofing…

3 years ago

Disability and Health Insurance Claims Under ERISA

If you missed your deadline to file a claim or appeal your claim denial - you may still be able…

3 years ago

Insurance Companies Misuse of “Mental Disorder” Limitations as to Cognitive Disabilities

In a recent article, Long Term Disability Claims for Cognitive Disorders, we discussed the challenges presented with disability claims based…

4 years ago

Does Alzheimer’s Disease Qualify for Long-Term Care Insurance Coverage?

Six-and-a-half million Americans are actively suffering from Alzheimer's disease in 2021. By 2050, it's estimated that this number will reach…

4 years ago

Long-Term Disability Claims for Cognitive Disorders

Sometimes referred to as “invisible” medical conditions, cognitive disorders are illnesses or injuries that impair such intellectual or cognitive abilities…

4 years ago

Using a Functional Capacity Evaluation to Support Your ERISA Disability Claim

When you find yourself unable to perform your job duties, it can be a terrifying situation. You may be struggling…

4 years ago

Insurers Push for In-Person Health Exams for Disability Claims

The global pandemic has created a new opportunity for insurance companies to deny people long-term disability benefits, putting patients in…

4 years ago

Are the “independent” medical examinations or IMEs really independent?

Most long-term disability plans and insurance policies give the insurer the right to have the claimant “examined” by a physician…

4 years ago

COVID-19 Complicating Your Long Term Disability Claim

It is true that COVID-19 and the national quarantine have complicated long-term disability claims. But it’s also true that American…

4 years ago